Thursday, October 23, 2008

Good Country People

Joy,(Hulga) was the protagonist in the story.  The concept of misunderstanding was when Hulga and Manley were in the loft.  Hulga thought that she was going to seduce him but Manley ending up seducing her.  When this was going on he stole her wooden leg from the loft and left.  Her leg was the most important part of her because it separated her from everyone else.  Her leg made her feel that she was different from all of the cerebral “good country people” like her mother and neighbors.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Lottery

1.  A lottery is when many people buy a ticket or to and are luckily drawn from a box or are given numbers that could match up with one another.  It makes you think that the whole story is going to be about some guy who enters a lottery and continues to lose but ends up winning in the end.  This story tells you about a small village that holds a lottery and pulls names from a old black box to determine the winner.

8.  Yes it is objective because it describes different peoples points of view.  It also doesn't show you who is going to win the lottery and who loses the lottery.

I do not understand the second part of this question.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Paul's Case

2.  Paul's appearance and behavior shows to the teachers that he is different from other boys because of the way he dresses and acts.  In class he usually wouldn't pay attention because he was caught staring into the air.  He also didn't do his homework and interrupted the class a lot.  The teachers thought he was very disrespectful and did not treat them correctly.

5.  Paul is a developing character because he changes his mind a lot and he is always lying to people.  He always wants to be someone else and likes to explore.  Things really started to change after he went to New York.  He needed to leave because he was running out of money.  He is never satisfied because his appearance and behavior is always changing.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hills Like White Elephants

It shows how they used to be together and the man still likes her, when the woman has moved on.  He wants to get back together with her and have the times they did when they were together.  The girls knows that he still loves her but does not want to take any chances with him.  The only thing we know about their relationship is that it ended.  He thinks that they can be together when doing everything but she can't.

It shows that they are in a very dense town.  It also shows that they would like to move back to the mountains where they used to be.  The story describes all about the setting and where they lived and where they live now.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Cathedral

It is significant because it seems like the character that is trying to explain it to the blind man doesn't even care.  He was not trying very hard to help him.  It tells us that this character doesn't have a feel for other people and he is very self-centered.