Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Lesson

3.  Sylvia and her cousin Sugar have a very off and on.  They fight a lot but like to have fun.  The contrast between Sylvia and Sugar is that Sylvia is meaner than Sugar.  Sugar has more respect for people and is a lot smarter than Sylvia.  She also figured out why Miss Moore took them to the toy store.

4.  She gave them that look because she had already told them about how people spend money wastefully and buy stupid things.  That is why she took them to the toy store to show them that money is valuable and they should not waste it on useless items.  

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Swimmer

In this story John Cheever is trying to talk about how the characters are so relentless in this time.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Everyday Use

4.  The mother refuses to give up the quilts because she had already promised them to their other daughter.  It indicates a permanent change of character just because she wanted Maggie to have them.  It was the first time that "Dee" had ever been shut down.  Dee's mother had never acually stood up for herself and that was because she was too scared.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Interpreter of Maladies

2.  The difference between Mr. and Mrs. Das cultural view points in the plot are that they are typical Americans.  The dress up in very bright clothes so they stand out in a crowd.  You may think that the story is trying to get you to think that they have a lot of money in their family.  Mr.Kapasi has a difference that he acts different from how he actually is.  The conflict is all about him.  It was never resolved in the end of the story.

8.  In the end the story does suggest that Mr. Kapasi will not be with Mrs. Das in the future.  I think he will go back to his family eventually.  His encounter with the Das family has changed his outlook on life or his view of himself.  I think it will be a happy ending because the Das family is back together again.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Destructors

#1.  The protagonist in this story is definitely Blackie, the leader of the gang.  He was the one in charge of the gang.  He also told everybody what to do and what to bring to the house.  The antagonist would definitely Trevor.  He didn't was to doing anything to the house because he thought that the house was really nice.  The conflict in the story is Trevor and Blackie are fighting for leader of the gang.

#5.  The setting tells you about the parts of London and how it has ben hit by the bombs during the time of the war.  It also tells you about the people that are living underground because of the bombs.  It tells you that the war always hit close to home and it shows that the war is a dismal time.

Araby and Eveline



       The boy had a great amount of feelings shown in the last paragraph.  He said that he saw him self as a creature driven and derived with vanity.  He also explained how his eyes were reacting to his feelings.  He said that his eyes were filled with anguish and anger.  His feelings have justified because of his uncle let him down.  It will be changed because he won’t want to visit it anymore.





       The time when she was at the park was one of the good times that she had in Dublin.   She did not mind being in Dublin as much as you would think.  She had a family with her and her two children went to school.  She gave up her wages (seven shillings).  Her brother Harry sent up to their father to try to get money but it didn’t work.  She made sure that she got all meals to the children regularly.





       Eveline did not seem like a very sympathetic character because she feels sorry for leaving her father behind and not obeying what her other told her to do even though she truly wants to leave.  She cares about her father no matter how mean he is to her.  I think she is a victim of circumstances beyond her control.  If her family wasn’t different there would be no choice of whether to go or not.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Hunters in the Snow


         There were two characters that were pretty sympathetic.  But the more sympathetic character was definitely Frank.  The most powerful character was probably Tub.  He was very self -confident when he was yelling at Frank and he never let up on what he was doing.  The alliance changed significantly throughout the story.  In the beginning Frank and Kenny were more of a alliance but towards the end Frank and Tub were very tight.



         The stop at the tavern was a good stop for everybody.  Frank got to talk to Tub a lot about his personal life.  Kenny was in the back of the car building his self-confidence up by saying “I’m going to the hospital.”  That helped him concentrate and not worry about what was going to happen.  Frank bought Tub four orders of pancakes with butter and maple syrup.  During the time Tub was eating Frank talked about what was happening with his wife and family.



         This is a very appropriate ending to this story.  Throughout the entire story there were messing around with each other.  That is equal to what the author wrote for the end of this story.   It makes a bold statement about the characters in the last sentence.  It tells you that these characters like to have fun but can also be serious at the same time.  These characters were very funny to read about and make a bold statement about themselves.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Most Dangerous Game



        Rainsford was not very optimistic about what was going to happen later in the story.  He thought that the general was a crazy man and didn’t know what to do.  He tried to stay calm throughout the chase but new nothing good could happen.  General Zaroff was a scary person to be around.  Ranisford was much more characterized than the general.  I can’t picture anyone like the general in real life at all.





       Connell added the philosophical discussion because the hot weather was making him soft.  Rainsford showed that he was not messing around when he was talking.  He was changed towards the end of the story because he went through something only few people go through.  Which was risking his life just to stay alive.  You become to know him better because he shows his inner self to the world by being very serious with the general.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Welcome to your blog, Tucker.