Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Interpreter of Maladies

2.  The difference between Mr. and Mrs. Das cultural view points in the plot are that they are typical Americans.  The dress up in very bright clothes so they stand out in a crowd.  You may think that the story is trying to get you to think that they have a lot of money in their family.  Mr.Kapasi has a difference that he acts different from how he actually is.  The conflict is all about him.  It was never resolved in the end of the story.

8.  In the end the story does suggest that Mr. Kapasi will not be with Mrs. Das in the future.  I think he will go back to his family eventually.  His encounter with the Das family has changed his outlook on life or his view of himself.  I think it will be a happy ending because the Das family is back together again.

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